Tag Archives: chickens

Despite Everything

That went wrong with my plans for last night,

(sick, gigantic bruises and a massive blank patch in my memory, to summarize)

the world feels like a much better place today than it was yesterday.

Turns out that every once in a while, among all the catastrophically bad ones, drunk me stumbles upon a good idea (probably acquiring a bruise or two in the process, but whatever).

I can’t hold grudges. Being mad at people ruins me. And now, at the small cost of what little dignity I had left, I think – I hope, things are cool with everyone. (Right?)

I also love my housemates lots.

Now I just need to eat, and life will be somewhat peachy.

Oh –

I also need to thank spilledcookies, who nominated me for the versatile blogger award.  : )

I won’t do the stuff you’re meant to do when nominated, ’cause this has happened before and I’m feeling lazy. But you should go check out her blog, and be inspired.

Now all that’s missing is an effort, in photo/music form, to make you smile.

I like this one.

I give you (left to right) Beryl, Peggy-Sue and Ethel:


3 generations there. Ethel’s granny, Beryl was one of Ethel’s chicks, and Peggy is Beryl’s baby from last year.

One good thing about living at home again after uni; they will be my chickens again. ^-^

(The original bunch were a Christmas present when I was 14. ‘cuz I was a really, really cool kid like that).

So yeah.

Hope y’alls Wednesdays have been good to yous.
